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Sunday, November 4, 2007

Internet Writing

Ranking well in the search engines is not difficult. In fact search engine optimization is relatively easy. What stops most people from ranking well in search engines is misinformation. Every week there’s yet another quick fix to ranking well in search engines and people jump from one quick fix to the next hoping for that Top 10 position in Google and never achieving it.

There are 6 key areas of search engine optimization that you need to know about. These are the basics. Getting these right will help you achieve the search engine rankings that website owners want.

Domain Name - The jury is still out on the how relevant a keyword rich domain name is. What I mean by keyword rich domain name is say for example your site was going to be about money making ideas then an idea domain name could be either http://www.moneymakingideas.com/ or http://www.money-making-ideas.com/. My own personal preference is with the hyphenated approach e.g. http://www.money-making-ideas.com/ simply because I believe that search engines can read it more easily. To register your domain name I would suggest using either 000Domains.com or GoDaddy.com (I use GoDaddy.com because they are directly linked with Google.)

Content - Useful content. Not keyword stuffed, spammy pages. Write something useful for visitors.

Keywords - Keywords are the words or phrases that you expect people to search for your site/service/content with. There are two distinct factors to consider when choosing keywords for your site.

1. You need to target specific keywords.
2. You need to choose the keywords that you want people to find your site with.

Put yourself in your visitors shoes - think about what they might use to find you in the search engines. What keywords or key phrases would you type into a search engine to find your site? What keywords or key phrases would your potential visitor use to search for you? Always, always think like a typical websurfer.

Keyword density - This is how often your keyword is used on the page itself. For example if you have 100 words of text on a single page and you mention your keyword 5 times then you have 5% keyword density.

Opinions vary on this but anywhere from 1% - 7% is considered ideal. If this doesn't make sense to you then it's ok. The simple rule is this: less is more. Do not alter the text on your webpages to include your keyword over and over again because.........well.... it looks stupid, won't instill any confidence in your prospective customer and might also get you penalized or removed from the search engines.

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