Welcome to Brenda Segna SEO Services and SEO Copywriting Blog

Thursday, August 27, 2009

SEO Services In A Tough Economy

I don't know of anyone who isn't feeling the pinch in these tough economic times. Now more then ever businesses need good SEO services and Internet marketing to drive traffic to their sites. There are several things that can be done that to increase your sites page rank and drive traffic to your site.

A good SEO Service Provider and Internet Marketing Company will review your site and customize a plan that meets your needs and your budget. SEO is not rocket science, but it is time consuming and needs to be done consistently in order to see results.

At BLaST creative we have learned from years of experience that when doing white hat seo and organic seo that it typically takes 3 months before you start to see results. And depending on the competition and what they are doing as far as SEO, it could take longer.

Some things that you can do to help increase traffic to your site as well as increase your page rank and search engine listing.

1. Meta tags-if your site doesn't have them, they need to be added, especially a good description and keywords.

2. Heading tags, alt tags-if you currently aren't utilizing these on your site then you need to update them.

3. Content-is it fresh and does it contain the keywords that you are trying to target? If not you need to update this as well.

4. Backlinks-Google just changed their algorithm again, you need to get relevant organic backlinks for your site.

If you own a business in these genres, financial, photographers, dentists, hotels, restaurants, construction, HVAC, hardware stores, real estate or any business, and are interested in more information on SEO Services and Internet Marketing, please contact BLaST creative today!

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